Saturday, January 28, 2006

Compassion Ministry

Today was an awesome day. Our church, Vineyard Community Church of Gilbert AZ, does a Compassion Ministry the last Saturday of every month. Today my family participated in this awesome ministry. We met at the church at 10 am and drove into the "hood". We went out to these rundown apartments and knocked on doors and handed out info to the folks inviting them to an empty dirt lot across the street. The flyers were in both english and spanish, as most of the folks who live in this area are predominantly hispanic and poor. Pastor Jack gave a brief talk about why we were there and also invited people to accept Christ and to come up for prayer or healing. After that, we handed out bags of groceries and clothes and toys to these folks. Some of these people probably did not even have food in their cupboards at their apartments. I am honored to be a part of a church that does this on a regular basis and will defintely do it again. We should give to those in need. That's what it's all about. I just had to share this because it so blessed me and my family to be a part of this outreach.


Blogger Pinay said...

Wow! that is awesome and it really feels good. especially when you're part of blessing the people. We also have such ministry here. We have our "magic box" wherein everybody is invited to put in and share anything they can-- groceries, items, school supplies, anything..and at the end of the month, we give it to those we identify as needy in the community. It may not be too much, but we are trying to extend our help to others. Last Sunday, we did the first distribution of the year to some families. It's a continuous ministry too. it's good to hear you're doing the same. To God be the Glory.

9:13 PM  
Blogger Keith said...

Amen Sister. That's what it's all about. We should always help those that are in need. It is exactly what we are called to do.

9:48 PM  

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