Monday, June 16, 2008

A beautiful weekend

We had a wonderful weekend. We got to see Hannah and also the beautiful folks at Casa Timoteo. Bob and Joy brought their family over to Hannahs house and we met them. We also toured the orphanage there. Beautiful people doing great things for the less fortunate. We will definitely be back to see them again soon.

People can talk about others all they want. But in the end, truth wins, and it is beautiful.

I just got done reading a great book called Jim and Casper go to church. It was a very eye opening read, but really not much of a surprise to me. You see, Jim is a Christ Follower and Casper is an atheist. Jim hired Casper to attend several different churches with him across the country and they would take notes and write a book about the experience.

The church that did the best was Imago Dei in Portland Oregon. This is the church that Donald Miller (one of my favorite authors) attends. Mars Hill in Seattle got very low marks. Out of the twelve thay visited, Imago Dei and a small Presbytarian Church in Illinois received the positive comments. All the others that included some very big megachurches such as Willow Creek, Saddleback, Potters House and Mars Hill, received low marks.

Casper the atheist did a great job describing his experiences in each church. It's a very good read and one that I would recommend to anyone.

It is so freaking hot here in Phoenix now. 110+ everyday, yesterday and today were 112. And it's not even officially summer yet until Friday at 4:59 pm when it is the Summer Solstice.

Thank God for AC...otherwise I'd be miserable.



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