Tuesday, May 13, 2008

T.D. Jakes on the Rev. Wright controversy

T.D. Jakes is a well known Pastor in the Black Church Community. Personally, I like his theology and what he preaches from the pulpit. Here is his take on the Wright controversy and Obama...

T.D. Jakes isn’t happy. In the wake of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy he feels the black church is being portrayed unfairly in the press. Jakes, pastor of 30,000-member The Potter’s House, complained that the media has painted the African-American church with a “broad, wide-ranging brush” as intolerant and “filled with hostility,” Jakes wrote in a CNN commentary. Jakes also discouraged readers from associating Barack Obama with the divisive comments made by Wright. Though Jakes made it clear he has endorsed no candidate, he compared Obama’s campaign to his own church. “It is designed much the same way Sen. Barack Obama has built his campaign: on a strong commitment to reconciliation, the admonition for unity and strong desire for the continuation of diversity instead of exclusion.” [cnn.com, 5/5/08]


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