Friday, January 02, 2009

Welcoming in 2009

So 2008 is behind us now. I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe time ringing in 2009. So how did you ring in the New Year?

Patty and I attended two different parties and Shannon went out with her friends.

The first party we went to was over at Jon and Shelly's place. Jon and Shelly are with Amadeo and they invited us over. It was great to see the Amadeo folks again, especially those we had not seen in quite awhile. It was also great to see some of the youth that we used to serve while we were there. They grow up fast.

After we left there we went over to the Gentes Home Group party. This party was well attended and the house was very full. They also had a nice set-up in the back yard where folks could hang out. Did I mention the food yet? What a spread they had.

We actually got home about 11:30 and were at home when the New Year rolled around. The dogs did not like the noise. You could hear fireworks, and most likely gun shots. Folks around here like to shoot their guns straight up in the air when midnight rolls around. Our little dog just barked like crazy and ran around. But the big dog was the sissy. She was literally scared to death and she was shaking so bad and shedding her hair. But the noise did not last long.

New Years Day Patty and I went to see the movie Twilight. Her fifth time, my first. I will have to say this though, I actually enjoyed the movie. Yes, there was a love story involved, but it was not quite the chick flick that I thought it would be. Patty has read the entire book series. But for all you guys out there that are fearful of going to see this, go see it. It was actually quite good.

Later on in the early evening we went to the gym. I had to run 3 and a half miles and it was already dark so I just did it on the treadmill at the gym. What I like about doing the run at the gym is the fact that I can be with Patty as she is on the treadmill next to me. But the best part? The Hot Tub and Steam Room afterwards. Simply relaxing and great for post run soreness. While we were there we also saw Pastor Jack and his wife Brenda and chatted with them briefly.

When we left the gym we went to The Golden Corral Buffet for dinner. Great food, and probably too much food.

Today I will head to the gym for some weight lifting. Tomorrow we are going to the orphanage to try and meet with the Director if he is there. Just pray for us that it all goes well.

When we get back I have to do my long run that evening of 5 miles. Can't do it Sunday as I will have church and then I have to be at work by 1 pm.

I hope your New Year is off to a great start. Stay focused, encourage someone, always be kind to each other.



Blogger Jeni said...

Your New Year's parties sound really interesting. I'll have to show this post to my son though as he thought only some of the folks around here did the "Shoot the gun in the air" thing at midnight. He refers to that as how our village marks its "redneckedness."

3:17 PM  
Blogger Bryant said...

Hey man sounds like you had a full day of fun :)

It was good to see you at Helen's and it's awesome that you went to go hang with some Amadeo peeps too.

I actually saw Twilight last month with a good friend of mine...she has read all the books

I will probably get to reading it too pretty soon. I thought the movie was good too man. Definitely not a chick flick.

Five miles huh? That's way farther than I can run bro!

Be blessed,

10:44 PM  

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