Friday, March 02, 2007

Good times with great friends

We spent a wonderful evening over at Robert's place last night for some absolutely great food and fellowship. Ben and family were also over. We got to just hang out and fellowship. I had such a good time just being with our Amadeo family and we talked a bit about Youth stuff and are planning a Summer Camp for them. I like the California one the best so far. There is a Vineyard Youth Conference in Texas but the price and distance would probably be a problem. We could drive it, but then you'd probably have to add 2 days of travel there and 2 more back. I hope it works out for the San Diego one.

Going paintballing tomorrow morning. I hope the Amadeo kids show up. I know for sure that Mac is going. The Cornejo's more than likely too.

Life is good for now. It turns out that Patty will not be able to make the CDE trip with us in April as it is Shannon's Senior Prom that Saturday night that we will be gone. But I'm still going. We just felt that one of us should be home to take pictures of Shannon and her date and probably not a good idea with a parent not being home on a Prom night if ya get my drift. But I am excited for the CDE trip and serving the kids and finally getting to meet the boy I sponsor, Jesus Guadalupe.

Patty and I will also be helping out in Kid's church about one a month or so to help out. Since we are a small church there have been folks stuck in the kids church and they are not able to come out to be fed themselves, so Patty and I thought that we would help out in that area. We also had a few of the Youth sign up to be put on the schedule. Patty and I will have our first Kid's church assignment on March 25th. We had a choice of the 3 & 4 year olds or the K through 5th graders. We chose the K through 5th graders. I am pretty good with teens so we'll see how I do with the younger kids.

Life is good, God is good, and I am looking forward to serving Him and doing what I can to help Amadeo serve the community and people in it. I am also contemplating VBI or VLI, not sure exactly the correct acronym. But I have been seriously considering it since Robert emailed me some info about it recently. I think it would be good for me and will help me grow in Christ more and I know I will learn something. Sometimes I struggle with teaching things to people and maybe taking some courses will help me in that area.

My next post I would like to post another excerpt from Spencer Burke's book A Heretic's Guide to Eternity that I found good. I'll post it a little later.

Be Moved!


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