My brothers post on FB about the Mosque at Ground Zero
My little brother did a great post about the Mosque being built around groud zero. I liked it so much I wanted to share it on my blog, it is.
My Thoughts on the "Mosque" at Ground Zero.
I do understand people's sensitivity to the idea of a Mosque being built ON Ground Zero - however, this is a building in a neighborhood several blocks from "Ground Zero." It is an 11 story "Islamic Center" which the community in which is located overwhelmingly supports. At this stage, the plan is is for the prayer space "Mosque" to occupy only one floor of a 13-story building. The rest would house a swimming pool, a concert auditorium, a gymnasium, a child-care facility, a library, a culinary school and a restaurant. According the article below from the Chicago Tribune, it will bear a strong resemblance to Manhattan's 92nd Street Y.
All that said, I still understand folks' gut reaction - especially when the truth is twisted and the FOX headlines trumpet "Mosque to be built on Ground Zero." But even without all the hype from the right (I know who got in planes and flew them into the twin towers, it was radical Islamic terrorists), heck, the TRUTH of the situation doesn't sit completely well with me. . . I'll admit that. But, to create a groundswell of support to have construction stopped - even if the neighborhood wants it, and many outside, because of an intolerance for Muslims and Islam, band together to have it forbidden, it is a slippery slope we are facilitating. . . Let me give some examples of what MIGHT be:
What if one more "Christian" kills another abortion provider, and then "Christianity" becomes pegged as something that needs to be truly corralled?
Why do we allow Catholic churches to exist when Timothy McVeigh was Catholic (OK, that's a bit of a stretch, because McVeigh never claimed he was "doing it" for Jesus. . . but he was Catholic)?
How about this one - do you remember that pharmacist, Robert Courtney - he owned a pharmacy out at Research Medical Center, and diluted chemotherapy for cancer patients - people DIED - and he did it to make extra money. He was a Christian, very active in his church. One of the reasons he did it was to support a building program at his large evangelical church to which he had committed big dollars. So, should all Christians have their incomes scrutinized, especially those that give to their church?
Ever hear of the Crusades? There are plenty of examples in modern and historical times. . .
There are lots of HORRIBLE things that have been done by zealots for their faith. . . including fringe elements claiming to represent the Christian faith. When people decide to allow the fringes of organizations, religious or otherwise to represent the baseline, fear, stereotyping, racism and other isms begin to take over. That is not the solution here. We need to target TERRORISTS. Not Muslims.
So, to summarize my primary concerns around this issue: my first is how those opposed to this are "spinning" the truth of what and where the facility actually IS to fan the flames of fear and hatred. My second is, if this is not about the consititution (as has been stated by many I have read). . .then what is? The First Amendment is either true and applicable, or it's not. . . To somehow say it's suspended here is the same line of thinking that led to Japanese internment camps in WWII. . .
I don't love the idea, but I love the idea of my religious freedom - to worship the God of the Universe and believe that He provided salvation and a way to live through Christ. I am a Christian. Proud to say it. Will never deny it. And to continue to have the right to do so, I think repressing other people - simply because of their religion (even though I think it is false and don't believe it myself) is not the best way to maintain that freedom.