Monday, November 19, 2007

Orphanage Trip

What a wonderful blessed weekend it was. This trip was one of my favorites so far. I am beginning to see it through Hannah's perspective now. I am now able to watch people who go down for the first time and watch them fall in love with these kids.

On this trip, my co-worker Leslie and her husband Paul came down with us. They sponsored some siblings and the bond was instantaneous. They were a perfect match. Leslie and Paul spent the entire time with their kids and the kids just adored them. Leslie and Paul had to leave Saturday evening but they were able to utilize the whole day to get to know their new kids. We took all of them to lunch and the De La Paz kids ate so much food. After lunch we went back to the orphanage and there was a group down there that was ministering to the kids through songs and games. Leslie and Paul were able to watch their kids sing, dance and play games and were truly touched by it all. Paul mentioned to me that he wishes now that he knew spanish.

When it was time for Leslie and Paul to leave they were all gathered together to say goodbye and the tears began to flow. I can tell you one thing though, Leslie and Paul will be back. It was mentioned by them and I am so happy for the De La Paz kids and also for Leslie and Paul's adoration and love for them.

Jen P. also went down on this trip. She fell in love with the kids and clicked with a couple of the boys and she is thinking about sponsorship. She will talk to Obie about it but I know she is already looking at her schedule to plan when she can go back down.

I had some quality time with Guadalupe on this trip. He got real emotional at one point on Saturday and was crying. He was upset about what someone had said to him and had wandered out to the middle of the field where I found him crying. I was able to console him as best I could and he began to process what he was feeling and I just let him process it out in his own way and just let him know that I cared and was there for him. I also found out that his family has never come to visit him and he has never gone to see them since he has been at the orphanage. Manuel said that he would let me look at his folder the next time I am there so that I can see his history and find out why he was put in the orphanage. This will help me better understand his emotions.

Patty and Hannah just did what they do best and that is to just love on them all. The kids just adore them and cling to them like glue.

I have a lot to do today so I better quit blogging and get to it but I had to blog about this trip because it was just amazing to see God using us to bless these kids and also to see God using orphans to bless us and show us love through them also.

Be MoVeD!


Blogger Hannah said...

It is a blessing to see how much you are bonding with the kids. Guadalupe and you seem to be inseperable.

It was definitely a great and relaxing weekend.

11:14 AM  
Blogger friend said...

Beautiful writing and beautiful stories.

7:40 PM  

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