Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I found this quote over on Pastor Danny's blog that he is finally writing in while he is at St. Stephens University.

My journal entry yesterday: "I'm not sure getting the right answers is as important as asking the right questions. In some ways, getting answers brings an end whereas asking questions is always a beginning, initiating a search. I think this emphasizes the fact that it is the journey and not the destination that is most important. Answers (which I am certainly not against) tend to be destinations and questions tend to be journeys. Arriving at a destination often leads to a sitting down, an end to activity. They (answers) stop the process...unless answers lead to more questions and the destination leads to more journeys."

Quote for the day: "The mystery of the gospel is this: it is always the same (content), and it is always changing (the container). In fact, for the gospel to remain the same, it has to change.The old, old story needs to be told in new, new ways. In fact, one of the ways you know the old, old truths are true is their ability to assume amazing and unfamiliar shapes while remaining themselves and without compromising their integrity." Leonard Sweet Aqua Church

"If you return, I will restore...if you will become..."

So...the journey continues.


Blogger Debo Blue said...

Deep, Keith.

I love that you make me THINK. I share your site w/my sister who leads a women's group for her small church and she touched on some of the things you wrote earlier.

Thanks for using this blog as a medium to undertake "The Great Commission".

11:06 PM  
Blogger Keith said...

Well it wasn't really me that made you think. It was Pastor Danny who is one of the Pastors at my church,

It really made me think too.

Thanks, and have a blessed day Debo!

10:13 AM  

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