Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beyond Accountability

-control negative feedback of leaders
-squelch legitimate criticism of leadership
-teach people to obey even when they don't feel right about it (thus encouraging people to die to their sense of right and wrong)
-teach that doubts and criticism of leadership equals sin
-teach that all criticism of leadership is probably slanderous, divisive or factious
-cause members to loose jobs, promotions or deter them from school or other goals or family activities
-emphasize Biblical ideas like dying to self in a non-scriptural way
-subtly redefine the meanings of words
-hound on these certain Biblical words almost to the exclusion of other sound Biblical principles
-induce guilt in members so they confess being sorry for not trusting their discipler more
-not tell you that in the Bible trust or loyalty is never used in reference to church leaders
-teach you that unity means that you need to change your opinions to match the groups' instead of constancy of purpose
-teach you that you must only go to leaders in private when you are pointing out error
-encourage the combination of trusting leaders and not criticizing


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