Update on Patty's Mom
Patty and her sister Maureen just got of the phone with the doctor. At this time their mother Dot, is in critical but stable condition in the ICU unit. Her liver is failing and they expect some of her other organs to begin failing. She is being kept comfortable with morphine. Patty and her sister were able to talk to her briefly. The doctor informed them that if the liver does not respond to the treatment and if the other organs begin to fail that they give her a week to live.
Please pray for a miracle folks. Pray for salvation for Dot and again for wisdom in the decisions Patty and Maureen need to make this upcoming week. I reiterate that Patty, Maureen and Dot are all on the same page as far as a "DNR" (do not resuscitate). If Dot does pass away then Patty obviously will not be going to Ireland. But we will continue to lift all of this up to the Lord and place it in His hands. Thanks for all of the kind words and prayers that have been offered up to us.
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