Sunday, September 30, 2007

Christianity and Witchcraft

I have been following this series by Phil Wyman and I think it is a very cool thing he is doing here. I am linking to Part 6 of his series. At the bottom of the page are links to parts 1 thru 5. If you want to read some very interesting stuff I suggest you start with part 1 and read them in chronological order.

Beyond the Pall


Blogger Bryant said...

Amen. We are called to love, not to judge and condemn.
These people need to be loved just as much as anybody else, and we're no better than them. That note about the babies is utterly appalling, it's just terrible to think how persecuted they are by us as the body. We are supposed to reflect the light of Jesus and show the world His love. If we act out of ignorance or irrational fear, or something else fleshly, we turn people away. God is love, and the only righteous judge. We must allow Him to have His way in us, to let His love to shine through. Otherwise we show them the human condition, which is ugly, and spiteful. Instead of God, who is beautiful and always ready to forgive.

1:36 AM  
Blogger Jeni said...

Very interesting and presents some extremely valid points too. Too bad so many think dialogue is the same as indoctrination.

11:09 AM  

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