Partnering in the Kingdom Stuff
Recently Amadeo Church has been meeting in the Power Ranch Clubhouse on Monday nights. Pastor Ben has attended Rock Point Church on some Sunday mornings since we don't have a Sunday service yet. They meet in the Higley High School Auditorium. Pastor Ben has formed a friendship with the Pastor of Rock Point, Bill Bush. Amadeo served the community with them at the Feastival where they just loved on the community giving away free food, water, etc. Ben also has been invited to leadership meetings and the rest of Amadeo has also been invited to attend these.
Well this morning something totally amazing happened that I wanted to share with you. Rock Point Church started just like us. A church plant that I believe came out of Cornerstone. But I'm not totally 100% sure about that, just something I overheard in conversation this morning. Rock Point Church is awesome and they have a lot of folks and are doing great as far as their numbers go. They have their stuff together and are obviously growing.
Amadeo Church is kicking off our Sunday morning service this next Sunday Dec 3rd at Power Ranch Elementary School. Pastor Bill Bush from Rock Point knew this and invited Pastor Ben and the leadership of Amadeo to the Sunday morning service this morning so he could bring us up on the stage to pray for us and our church plant. AWESOME! Is this not what it's all about? It's not a competition with other churches or denominations. The bottom line is, churches reaching out to the community and serving them. Pastor Bill called us up and then prayed for us. He then stated to the congregation that some of them may be felt led to go with Amadeo and that we are all partners in sharing Christ with the community. He even offered help in setting up for our first service and asked Ben if there was anything we really needed. Well Ben said we could use a bass player and guess what? A guy jumped right up and said he would play for us on Sunday.
I was touched by all the things that Bill Bush said and offered to us. Even telling his own congregation that some of you may feel led to leave and go with Amadeo. I have seen way too many times when churches or certain denominations compete with each other. Wouldn't it be nice if ALL churches were like this? Think about it.
Amadeo is going to be awesome as I believe Ben and the rest of the leadership have a vision for the far Southeast Valley and it is awesome to know that we have Pastor Bill Bush and Rock Point Church praying for us and with us and having our backs. We are with you Rock Point. You are truly being moved by God's Love!
I also am very thankful to Vineyard Community Church of Gilbert who sent us off and for their continued prayer and support. They are our mother church that we at Amadeo were all a part of and we have many brothers and sisters in Christ there.
Be Moved!