Monday, October 31, 2005

Awesome Harvest Festival & Prayer Requests

Well I just got back from the church. What an awesome time at the Harvest Festival. It was H-U-G-E! It was also very well attended. They had tons of stuff for the little kids and then in the gym we had Sumo Wrestling in those funky inflatable sumo suits and a velcro wall that the kids would jump on and stick themselves to while wearing a suit that sticks to velcro.

My mileage for the month of October was 57.6 miles. I am really feeling good about this training and am faithfully sticking to the training plan and diet so far. I am having fun this year and will be doing Jeff Galloway's Run/Walk method for the marathon. My plan is to run for 4 minutes and walk for 1 minute from the beginning to the end of the marathon. I anticipate that this will keep me from hitting that dreaded wall that I have hit in my past 2 marathons and hopefully I'll be able to walk the next day.

A couple of prayer requests. The first one is for Patty. She has an appointment with an ENT doctor this Thursday. Our primary care physician referred her there because of the frequent headaches and dizziness she keeps experiencing. He thinks they may be related to her sinuses and may benefit from surgery. So keep her in prayer that the Lord will heal her and the ENT Doctor will be able to correctly diagnose her condition.

We were supposed to have our Tuesday Night Home Group Bible Study tomorrow night at Lora Doncea's house. It has been cancelled due to her father's illness. He was taken to the hospital in Show Low last night then transported by helicopter the Desert Sam in Mesa today. He has a critically low white blood cell count and has been stabilized but they are running tests to find out what is causing it. Pray that he will be healed of this condition. His name is Steve.

I totally forgot in an earlier post to mention the National Weather Service Union Convention. It is being held in Scottsdale this year and will be this Saturday and Sunday the 5th and 6th. I am the Union Steward in our office so I sort of have to go.

That's all from here today. Keep on pushin' on folks.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Good training week

Well I had an excellent official training week. It concluded yesterday with a nice 7 mile run. I headed out at 10 am and it was a tad warm when I finished. I guess that's the benefit of living in the desert. Here it is almost November and it's in the 80's and 90's. Although a perfect running day to me would be overcast, calm wind and a temp right around 55 to 60 degrees. Anyhow, I'll post my monthly mileage after my run on Monday.

Church was awesome this morning. Pastor Jack's sermon was titled A Perfect Storm-Learning to exercise the authority of Jesus. The text was a passage I was familiar with, Mark 4:35-41 when Jesus calms the storm that was about to capsize the boat. Are you in a stormy situation right now? Let Jesus calm your storm.

The Roadrunners game was a blowout last night. The second game between them and the San Diego Gulls in as many nights. The Runners took the first game. But last night in the second game they blew them away 7-1. In the 3rd period you could sense the frustration of the Gulls and tempers flared. A full line brawls erupted with the game already out of reach so San Diego sent out their goons to take care of business. The Runners obliged them. The result? A full penalty box and 4 game misconducts (ejections). Very entertaining game if you like that kind of stuff.

It's gonna be a busy week this week. I work days all week and we have the Harvest Festival Monday night, Tuesday is our home group, Wednesday is Youth and Thursday is the Drop In Center and Saturday is the Garage Sale for the Summer Missions Trips. I also have to squeeze my training in between work and these events. Oh well, shouldn't have any trouble sleeping this week. HA!

Soooooo...I'm going to enjoy the rest of my Sunday and just R-E-L-A-X! Sunday is my only day that I don't do training for my upcoming Marathon. Total rest day.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Answered Prayer

I am very happy to report that the situation with my nephew turned out good. For those who were praying, thanks. And thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy everyday.

Shannon starts training at her new job tomorrow. It will be good for her to start working and earning her own money. She can help out now too in contributing to the Ireland Mission trip this summer. There will be several fund raisers between now and then also. The group is having a huge garage sale on the 5th of November. Pray that all who are going on mission trips will be able to raise the funds necessary to get there.

Patty's still having trouble at work. Please pray for her that the Lord will give her wisdom in dealing with some situations that are causing her great stress at work.

Please pray for a friend of mine who has a serious drug problem. If he continues on the path he is on he very well could lose everything. His job, family and health. Pray that the Lord will give me the words to speak to him and that he will listen. Also pray that his walk with the Lord can be what it should be.

Lots going on this weekend. I am glad I am back on dayshifts for the next several weeks so I will be able to participate in Youth and the Drop in Center more. We are also having a big Harvest Festival at the church on the 31st. Pray that we will show these kids the love of Christ.

And finally, another Roadrunners Hockey game tomorrow night against arch rivals the San Diego Gulls. I'm looking forward to it. I will also be doing a long run of 7 miles tomorrow morning. This training week has been great and I'm feeling very good where I'm at right now.

Peace out folks. Have a great weekend.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Week 1 training complete

Well, My 1st official training week is done in preparation for my Marathon in mid February. It went well. Total mileage for the week was 15.1 miles. I did a 6 miler yesterday. Week 2 will look like this.
Mon 24 Run 3 miles
Tue 25 walk and lift weights for an hour
Wed 26 Run 3 miles
Thu 27 Run 3 miles
Fri 28 walk and lift weights for an hour
Sat 29 Run 7 miles
Sun 30 Off :-)

Minor League Hockey is back in town. Patty, her sister and I went to the Home opener of the Phoenix Roadrunners last night. Good times I'm telling ya! We were 20 rows from the ice at the blue line for $20 a seat. Those seats would cost you $100 each at a Coyotes game. I was very pleased with the turnout. I hope Phoenix will continue to support them so we can have affordable hockey in town for years to come. The Roadrunners lost a close game but it was VERY entertaining if you like hard hitting hockey with some fisticuffs thrown in. I get to be at work this morning after a nice week off. Patty's dad and stepmom flew back to PA yesterday. We had a nice week with them. Shannon got her very first job. She will be a hostess at On the Border, a Mexican Restaraunt at Stapley and US 60. Peace out folks. That's all the news for now.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Prayer Request

I have a prayer request. I would like folks to pray for Patty's sister and her family. I won't go into details because this is a public blog. Just pray for peace for her, her son (my nephew) and her husband. Pray that the Lord will give her wisdom in some situations she is dealing with right now and that she will find peace in the Lord.

Father God, I pray right now that you would just touch Patty's sister right now. She is under a tremendous amount of pressure right now dealing with a lot of stuff. You know what this stuff is. I pray that You would comfort her in this situation. That You would bring her peace in this situation. That You would have her seek Your will in her life. I pray that in times like these she would look to You for the answers instead of taking them all upon herself. I pray that You would open doors for Patty and I to reach out to her. I pray that You would give me the words to say to my nephew should the opportunity arise for me to talk with him one on one.

Friday, October 21, 2005 it required today?

Tithing is a very controversial subject today. Is it required in the church today?

Personally, I believe that it is not required as we are under New Testament Law today. 2 Cor. 8:12 says If you are really eager to give, it isn't important how much you are able to give. God wants you to give what you have, not what you don't have.

Paul says that we should give what we have, not what we don't have. Sacrificial giving must be responsible. paul wants believers to give generously, but not to the extent that those who depend on them, their familes for example, would go without having their basic needs met.

2 cor. 9:7 says You must each make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully.

I am definitely NOT opposed to tithing. I tithe myself. I am blessed to be able to do so. I just do not believe that it is required that I tithe.

We should support our church and our ministers financially. We should also give our time and talents where they are needed in the church.

Under the conditional covenant of the Old Testament tithing was a necessity. It is not a command in the New Testament, it is a principle. We give out of love, from the heart because we are under a New Covenant, not the Old Testament law.

Comments welcome.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tattoos...are they wrong?

I myself have 3 of them. And YES...I had them done after I became a Christian. I myself do not think they are wrong. A lot of Christian folk out there like to go around quoting Leviticus 19:28. But I believe that we are wrongfully accused in this instance since this is based on Old Law and we are now under New Law. The same can be said for tithing. I personally do not believe tithing is required. I believe we should give generously and with a cheerful heart. Personally, I tithe. Is it required? I really do not think so. Anyhow, I'll expand on tithing later. Right now though, please check out this link about tattoos and the Bible. Interesting and very informative. Take it or leave it. I happen to think that it is very informative. Enjoy!


Lyrically, Staind is pretty dark at times. Obviously the lead singer Aaron Lewis writes about what He's been through. I can relate to a lot of the songs because of my addictions earlier in my life. This is a song from Staind titled Reality.

The lights are on but you're not home
You've drifted off somewhere alone
Somewhere that's safe, no questions here
A quiet place where you hide from your fears
Sometimes when you're out of rope
The way to climb back up's unclear
The walls you build around yourself
I guess they also keep you here
Are you afraid of what they think?
Whoever "they" happen to be
Or are you hiding from the scars of your own reality?
So you sedate and drown in vain
You've got a pill for every day
A suit and tie to mask the truth
It's ugly head is starting to show through
The monster you're feeding, your lack of perception
The things you will do to fulfill addictions
The light at the end of the tunnel is closing
What is it that you're so afraid of exposing
You'd give it all up for what's there for the taking
Whatever it takes to keep your hands from shaking
The same things you're thinking might make you feel better
The same things that probably got you here

Galations 6:1-10

1 dear brothers and sisters, if another Christian is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. 2 Share each other's troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ. 3 If you think you are too important to help someone in need, you are only fooling yourself. You are really a nobody.
4 Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. 5 For we are each responsible for our own conduct.
6 Those who are taught the word of God should help their teachers by paying them.
7 Don't be misled. Remember that you can't ignore God and get away with it. You will always reap what you sow! 8 Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful desires will harvest the consequences of decay and death. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. 9 So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. 10 Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone, especially to our Christian brothers and sisters.

Notes from the Life Application Bible
No Christian should ever think he or she is totally independent and doesn't need help from others, and no one should feel excused from the task of helping others. The body of Christ-the church- functions only when the members work together for the common good. Do you know someone who needs help? Is there a Christian brother or sister who needs correction or encouragement? Humbly and gently reach out to that person.

When you do your very best, you feel good about the results. There is no need to compare yourself with others. People make comparisons for many reasons. Some point out others flaws in order to feel better about themselves. Others simply want reassurance that they are doing well. When you are temptedto compare, look at Jesus Christ. His example will inspire you to do your very best, and his loving acceptance will comfort you when you fall short of your expectations.

It would certainly be a surprise if you planted corn and pumpkins came up. It's a natural law to reap what we sow. It's true in other areas too. If you gossip about your friends, you will lose their friendship. Every action has results. If you plant to please your own desires, you'll reap a crop of sorrow and evil. If you plant to please God, you'll reap joy and everlasting life. What kind of seeds are you sowing?

Monday, October 17, 2005

Camp Barnabas Prep

Well last night I had the pleasure of going to the Cloud's house to watch the Extreme Makeover episode from Camp Barnabas where I will be going in June with a group from the church to work with autistic kids. Mandy did a great job during the commercials explaining stuff to us since she has served there before. I am so looking forward to serving there. Plus I got to know Britt a little bit better. We talked about his job and he asked me about mine.

Well the pigeon killers were here bright and early this morning...6:45 am they arrived. They are on my roof as I type this. I pray whatever they do gets rid of those birds that are making a mess of my roof and patio.

I taught the large Youth Group yesterday morning. I was real nervous for some reason but after I started it was like the Holy Spirit just gave me a peace and I relaxed a lot. I thought it went very well so I broke the ice and know it will be easier for me next time. I thank Ben for giving me the opportunity to serve. I taught on unity in the Youth Group using Paul's analogy in 1 Corinthians 12. After I was done I asked if any of the kids felt led to pray for the group as a whole to be unified and reach the kids in the community for the Kingdom of Christ. There was a long pause so I thought I was going to have to lead the prayer, then...Abraham raised his hand and said "I'll do it." He then prayed the most awesome prayer for the Youth Group.

We then had a surprise birthday party for one of the Youth that is in Teen Challenge right now. He was out on pass for his 18th birthday and walked into the Portal where we were all waiting for him. He looked great and you could really see the change in him. The Lord is doing a miracle in his life and I so enjoyed hearing his testimony about what the Lord was and is doing in his life right now.

Ben and Mandy (The Youth Pastor and his wife) and their kids were in Flagstaff attending a relatives wedding and he told a funny story about what happened in their hotel Saturday night. Here is a link to his blog. Please check it out. The post is titled The Youth Pastor and the Marijuana! Funny stuff I tell you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Let the Official Training Begin

Well folks, it's that time. I may as well get myself mentally prepared for this. I have been increasing my running the past 2 weeks in preparation for this official training and have also adjusted my diet. I've lost 6 pounds already and I haven't even begun the real training yet.

Anyhow, for those that don't know, I will be preparing for my 3rd full marathon in February and I will be following an 18 week training plan. Mondays and Thursdays will be easy run days. Wednesdays will be east at first but will turn into medium long runs as the weeks progress. Saturdays will be the long slow runs. So that amounts to 4 running days a week. Not too shabby for a family guy with work, family stuff and church. On Tuesdays and Fridays I will be walking and doing some weightlifting. Sundays will be all rest days. I've already started the weightlifting and my body can tell. I'm sore man.

I will be doing the PF Changs half Marathon on January 19th with my wife and others from our church. On my training schedule, I am supposed to run 18 miles that weekend, soooo...I guess I'll have to go home and run 5 more miles after the half marathon. February 15th I will do the Lost Dutchman Marathon in Apache Junction.

Patty's Dad and Stepmother are flying in from Pennsylvania this Saturday and will be spending a week here. We look forward to a nice visit with them.

So my schedule for next week starting on Monday the 17th will look like this:
Mon 17 Run 3 miles
Tue 18 Walk and lift weights for an hour
Wed 19 Run 3 miles
Thu 20 Run 3 miles
Fri 21 Walk and lift weights for an hour
Sat 22 Run 6 miles
Sun 23 Off :-)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Service to others makes the world a good place. Civilization would cease if all of us were always and only for ourselves. We alcoholics have a wonderful opportunity to contribute to the well-being of the world. We have a common problem. We find a common answer. We are uniquely equipped to help others with the same problem. What a wonderful world it would be if we took our own greatest problem and found the answer to it and spent the rest of our lives helping others with the same problem in our spare time. Soon we would have the right kind of a world. Do I appreciate my unique opportunity to be of service?

Today can be lived in the consciousness of God's contact, upholding you in all good thoughts, words, and deeds. If sometimes there seems to be a shadow on your life and you feel out of sorts, remember that this is not the withdrawal of God's presence, but only your own temporary unwillingness to realize it. The quiet gray days are the days for doing what you must do, but know that the consciousness of God's nearness will return and be with you again, when the gray days are past.

I pray that I may face the dull days with courage. I pray that I may have faith that the bright days will return.

Making Amends

"We must be willing to make amends to all the people we have harmed. We must do the best we can to repair the damage done in the past. When we make amends, when we say: 'I'm sorry,' the person is sure at least to be impressed by our sincere desire to set right the wrong. Sometimes people we are making amends to admit their own faults, so feuds of long standing melt away. Our most ruthless creditors will sometimes surprise us. In general, we must be willing to do the right thing, no matter what the consequences may be for us." Have I made a sincere effort to make amends to the people I have harmed?

The grace of God cures disharmony and disorder in human relationships. Directly you put your affairs, with their confusion and their difficulties, into God's hands. He begins to effect a cure of all the disharmony and disorder. You can believe that He will cause you no more pain in the doing of it than a physician who knows how to effect a cure would cause a patient. You can have faith that God will do all that is necessary as painlessly as possible. But you must be willing to submit to His treatment, even if you cannot now see the meaning or purpose of it.

I pray that I may willingly submit to whatever spiritual discipline is necessary. I pray that I may accept whatever it takes to live a better life.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Good Driving

Well, I just got back from taking Shannon driving. It was really not all that bad. She is getting better. I know she needs the practice to get better, so I HAVE to take her out to practice. Today we went out for a little over an hour. At least it was Saturday so traffic was not too bad. The Lord was with me, I did not LOSE it. And believe it or not, I remained rather calm, which in turn allowed Shannon to relax and drive better. I had a "moment" though where a right lane was ending and we were in it and there was a line of cars in the lane next to us. I panicked a bit which in turn caused Shannon to react in panic mode. I have to admit, and I did admit it to her also, that it was MY fault. But she is getting better.

Patty had a pretty miserable week. She saw the doctor on Wednesday for her headache. Still had it Thursday and it turned out to be one of her major migraines. I had to leave work early to take her to urgent care where she received an injection of Demerol that put her out pretty good. She felt much better Friday and went to work. Keep praying for her work situation. Things are not good there at the moment and I have a feeling that it may have been the major trigger for her migraine.

I went to Youth on Wednesday night. I was kind of frustrated that night because some of the kids were goofing off and not paying attention. I held my cool though and managed to finish the lesson, which was all about Heaven and Hell, the Rapture, and the Judgement. Deep stuff! Ben asked me to teach Sunday morning the 16th in the morning. I'm kind of nervous, but I should get over it. I have a lesson I would like to teach that is about unity in the Youth Group. I have sent it to Ben and will wait to hear from him to see if I can teach it. If not, he provided me a good lesson on John 21.

Today Patty, Shannon and I are going to write our support letters for our missions trips this upcoming summer. I will be going to Camp Barnabas to serve and work with Autistic kids and Patty and Shannon will be going to Ireland to serve.

Hope everyone out there had a wonderful week. Our was not too good, but we made it through it. We missed the drop-in center Thursday night because of Patty's headache. I wanted to spend time with her as we don't always get to see each other during the week. God is good folks. Keep leaning on Him!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Dead Pigeons

I want these flipping pigeons DEAD! I'm really not a violent person, but right now I could be very violent towards a few pigeons that are roosting on my roof right now. The exterminating folks came out today. A gal from our church owns the company and I spoke with her about my pigeon problem. She hooked me up. I'll tell ya, that's family right there. Vineyard Community Church is one big family. She told the inspector to give me 50% off. What a deal huh? Anyhow, they are going to put stuff up where they are roosting to keep them away. While the guy was checking it out he told me there were pellets thay contain poisen that some companies use that kills them. However, this certain company doesn't use them. I'm an animal lover and all (except cats) but these pigeons piss me off.

I have a few things going on at the moment. My wife needs prayer in a job situation. She is having a real hard time right now. That was sort of why I had a lousy day yesterday. But God is good! Father God, I pray that you would comfort Patty right now in her job situation. Give her the wisdom to make the right decisions. Even if it means quitting and seeking employment elsewhere. I pray that you would open or close doors according to Your will.

Haley, our new puppy brings us adventure every day. What a trip she is.

Shannon went out with the Driving instructor today. And they made it back :-)
But seriously, the instructor said she did very well. We have to practice with her daily. Father, I ask that you give me peace in this driving thing. I get all bent out of shape and nervous and this causes Shannon to be nervous. Protect Shannon as she learns the ins and outs of driving. Keep me calm too Father, as there is not a brake on the passenger side like there is in the instructors car.

I pray for the Youth Group at the Vineyard Lord, and all of the Leaders. I pray that you would stir these kids into a Heart of Worship to You. Let them become closer to You as they begin planning for the mission trips this upcoming Summer. Thank You Lord for Pastor Ben who is one of the most awesome Youth Pastors I have ever encountered. He loves those kids and wants them to grow in Christ and show other kids Christ's love.

Monday, October 03, 2005

A miserable day

Father God, I just had a lousy day today. I pray that you would just give me peace. When things start to get to me, let me know you're there.

On a good note, the puppy is doing great. She sure is a bundle of energy. It's funny how she will just play real rough with you and run all over the place, then just CRASH! I mean right where she is. On the floor, on her pillow, in the kitchen. Anywhere. I wish I could fall asleep like that sometimes.

I ran today. Felt good to get some endorphins pumping through my veins. Sort of gave me a lift for the day. Tomorrow the exterminators are coming to look into my pigeon problem. I wish I could just walk right outside with a shotgun and blow them to smithereens. All they do is make a mess of my backyard, patio and roof. Too bad I live in the city. So I'll find out tomorrow what to do to get rid of them. I'm out, later.