UFC 94
I've been waiting a long time for this fight. You know where I'll be tomorrow night. ;-)
I found an article written by Steve Simpson over on the BWC blog. He is a clinical psychologist and teaches a class at Fuller Seminary’s School of Psychology called “Clinical Issues in Sexual Diversity.” His article was titled "Even Ted Haggard" and you can read it here.
Saturday Patty and I went with a group from our church to the State Prison in Florence where we attended a 4 hour orientation to be allowed to minister inside the prison. It was interesting and I look forward to what God has in store for us if we decide to do this on a regular basis. At least we are qualified now and will be given badges to enter the prison.
I watched this movie last night. It was about a fundamentalist Christian family whose son was gay. They tried to "cure" him and he couldn't be cured. He ended up commiting suicide at the young age of 20. In the end, his mom came to grips with the situation and ended up being and advocate for Parents of Gays and Lesbians. I really wish I could post the entire movie, but this clip shows some of the good scenes and you can get the gist of what the movie was about. I would highly recommend it to anyone that struggles with these issues. This was based on a true story.
Lord, in the complex arena of human relations, help us to make choices on the side of love, not hate; on the side of inclusion, not exclusion; tolerance, not intolerance. And as we leave this mountain top, help us to hold on to the spirit of fellowship and the oneness of our family.
Yesterday was going pretty well for me. I had the day off. I went to the gym for about an hour and a half and then I met with Bryant for an hour or so over some Chicago Style Hot Dogs over at Al's.
I would love to go to this conference. Don't know if I'll be able to make it happen, but I'm definitely going to try.
Galatians 6 (The Message)
I don't really know what it is at this present time, but I just have a very deep sense of peace and serenity right now. I feel God moving me into a deeper relationship with Him. I really can't wait to see what He has in store for me up the road on this wonderful journey.
I am really not that much of a football fan. But I happen to live in Arizona where the Cardinals just won the NFC championship and are going to the Super Bowl. So GO CARDINALS!
It has been a fairly busy week for me. The AMS (American Meteorology Society) conference is in Phoenix all this week and we have had lots of visitors and VIP's in our office this week. Yesterday was an all hands meeting with the Director of the NWS. He was a very personable guy and I actually enjoyed the meeting, although it was way passed my scheduled work day. I liked what he had to say and the direction he is taking us.
I have nothing against prayer in public. As a matter of fact, I have nothing against prayer anywhere. I pray often myself. But its is usually in my head, not spoken words. Unless of course I am praying for someone or with someone.
I found an interesting article this morning that appeared in the NY Times on January 6th. Now I know why some certain things happened to me the way they did back in February of last year. Read the full article here. The excerpt below I can really relate to.
So I won't be running the half marathon in March. But that doesn't mean I will stop running or working out. I just won't be following an official training program for the running.
So today I went to get the link to the website of the half marathon I was going to run in so I could send it to a friend.
I found a comment today on this post over on Kent's blog. Wouldn't it be nice if we all treated others like this despite what we might disagree on? Here's the comment left by someone named Kirk.
I recently noticed our heat pump making a loud noise. Well we are the original owners of the house and it is 15 years old and was only a 10 SEER rated system. There are much more efficient systems out there now.
Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free.
So I missed my 5 miler. Not because I did not want to do it though.
Today I lifted weights, tomorrow I'll run 5 miles after we get back from Mexico and Sunday I'm taking a rest day and I also get to go back to work that evening.
So 2008 is behind us now. I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe time ringing in 2009. So how did you ring in the New Year?