Slipknot - Duality [music video]
Happy Halloween!
I forgot to mention that we will be driving down to Tucson to celebrate my mom's birthday Sunday. Her actual birthday is Monday but Sunday is the day we are all going to be together to celebrate it with her and other family members. Looking forward to it.
I just wanted to post about the counseling session that we went to yesterday. It was the initial appointment and I can say honestly that the counselor was wonderful, and that it seems to be a great fit. The first half was spent with all three of us, and the last half was just Shannon and the counselor.
Many assemblies today are facing varied winds of possible change. Some traditional points of church life are being questioned, or at least re-evaluated. New methods of witness and worship are being tried. Schedules are being revised to make things a bit easier for time-harassed families.
I found this quote over on Pastor Danny's blog that he is finally writing in while he is at St. Stephens University.
Found these quotes by Jean Vanier from The Broken over on the Kingdom Grace blog.
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Thanks to my brother Carl for pointing me to this article.
Are we authoritarian people? People who are authoritarian leaders make a web of deceit.
I guess you could call me the traveling man. I got back Friday evening from my fall roadtrip to visit all of my weather stations in SW Arizona and SE California. I enjoyed this trip a lot more than previous trips because I was able to take my brand new work vehicle. My old vehicle was a Ford F-350 with a huge storage box on the back. It was a gas guzzler, did not have cruise control, and only had an AM/FM radio in it. This made for long, boring roadtrips where you got no radio reception unless you are fluent in Spanish, and my right leg and foot would cramp up because it was not equipped with cruise control. I inherited this beast of a vehicle from my predecessor, and it was a bitch to drive in the wind too. My new vehicle is a 2008 4WD Dodge Durango with cruise control and a CD player.
Every healthy fellowship will have disagreements, and yet be in unity in the Biblical sense as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Tomorrow I'm hitting the road for my routine inspections of all of my weather sites in SW Arizona and SE California. I'll leave tomorrow morning at 6:30 am and should be back home by 4 pm Friday evening. I love taking these trips because I am out of the office for an entire week and I get to chat and meet with all of my volunteer weather observers. I will also be doing a training session at the Hayfield Pumping Plant in Hayfield CA on Tuesday.
As I was reading the devotion from Jesus Calling this morning, October 16th, it was exactly what I needed to hear. God's cool like that ya know? I'll share it with you...
If you read The Shack, you know what it is. I now know all too well about The Great Sadness. I only hope and pray that Papa will guide me in the right direction. I have already given my copy of the book away. But I'm going to get another one and read it again. I know that I will read it with a totally different set of eyes this time, as The Great Sadness is overcoming me.
This is a very encouraging passage of scripture for me and I hope that those that are battling how to deal with certain abuses of authority in churches can be comforted by this. Peace!
Lots of what I like to call "crap" going on. There is a family situation we are going through that I would not wish on anyone. For privacy purposes, I really cannot mention what it is. But for those that pray, please pray for our family. For those that don't pray, send us some good vibes or kind thoughts or whatever it is you do to lift someone up.
Uncovering abusive church leadership
This song goes out to my beautiful amazing daughter, Shannon.
With Love,
It's pretty easy to tell those people who have differences of opinion and want to engage in honest dialog, and those who demand a one-sided conversation to defend their views and mischaracterize mine. I love dialog with the first. I think that fellow believers can disagree about a lot of things and find meaningful and graceful dialog through those differences.
I have an addictive personality. Duh! It took me years to realize that I could not drink alcohol, period! People can be addicted to numerous things, food, sex, porn, drugs, gambling, CHURCH, you name it. The list can go on and on.
I found this quote over on Kingdom Grace's blog.
Psalm 15 (The Message)
Keith Giles is one of my favorite bloggers and thinks a lot like I do about the church and what it should be today. Here is a link to his post today and I also copied his post in full below. I think he hit this one out of the park. Enjoy!
So I watched the debate last night. It was actually a waste of my time because they say the exact same things each and every time. Plus, I could not really get into it all that much because I already voted and had my mind made up already. Brokaw was entertaining in trying to keep them both on topic and within the rules that were established by both campaigns. Whoever wins will have a tough job cleaning up the mess that the current administration has made of things.
I just realized that I am going to 4 concerts in November.
When it is genuine, when it is born of the need to speak, no one can stop the human voice. When denied a mouth, it speaks with the hands or the eyes, or the pores, or anything at all. Because every single one of us has something to say to the others, something that deserves to be celebrated or forgiven by others.
Just as the politics-in-the-pulpit debate escalates, so has the issue of women in leadership roles—particularly within certain church denominations—resurfaced since Republican presidential candidate John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. A few weeks ago, more than 100 LifeWay Christian Bookstores pulled from its shelves an issue of Gospel Today that featured five female pastors on its cover. Now many Southern Baptist leaders and pastors are facing questions from secular media on how their denomination can endorse a woman for political office but not allow her to lead a church. "There's no disconnect or inconsistency whatsoever," said Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. "We don't go beyond where the New Testament goes. Public office is neither a church nor a marriage." Added Southern Baptist pastor and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins: "An elected official is not a spiritual leader—and that's what the Scripture speaks to." [Religion News Service, 9/17/08; AP, 10/2/08]
It's official. I already voted and mailed it this morning. I'm sure you can all guess who I voted for.
Peace and love are always in us, existing and working, but we are not always in peace and in love.
I found this over on Kent's blog Faithfully Dangerous.
It turns out that Ken Shamrock was warming up, and took a head butt or something that laid his eye open. The athletic commission in Florida would not allow him to fight. A kid with a UFC rep comes in to fill the bill and knocks Kimbo the F&*# out in 14 seconds. I guess street fighting ain't all that.
Patty left Friday morning for Las Vegas and the eye wear convention. She will be back home Sunday evening. Last night I just rented a couple of movies and hung out with the dogs at home.
A bailout eh? Well instead of bailing out the idiots on Wall Street and all of these corrupt financial institutions, I have an idea. Divide it up amongst all of the tax payers and dish it out equally and let us stimulate the economy!
I received this email from Barb today...
If you see these signs in a church you attend, run. These are the common signs of abusive churches that are agreed upon by many church leaders.